Request for Proposal (RFP) for Empanelment of Service Providers to Provide Technology, Infrastructure and Marketing Services

निविदा संख्या - IIMT/EEC/01/2018-19/02

संपर्क व्यक्ति : The Chief Administrative Officer, Ph: +91-431-250 5040

प्रकाशन तिथि - 29/11/2018
जमा करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि - 28/12/2018

निविदा दस्तावेज डाउनलोड करने के लिए क्लिक करें

IIM Tiruchirappalli invites proposal for providing technology, infrastructure and marketing services for its Executive Education Programmes through blended E-Learning direct-to-device mode from the service providers who have demonstrated capability and competency to offer such programmes and also successfully market them. The scope of work and services listed below are indicative and may not be exhaustive.
