Notice Inviting Tender for the Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of UTM FIREWALL Appliances Along with Subscription, OEM Warranty and Support for a Period of Six Years ( 3 Years Plus 3 Years) at IIM Tiruchirappalli

Tender No - 24SP156T

Contact Person : Purchase Department, Ph: +91-431 250 5121/22

Publication Date - 23/08/2024
Last Date For Submission - 13/09/2024

IIM Tiruchirappalli Inviting Tender for the Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of UTM / FIREWALL Appliances Along with Subscription, OEM Warranty and Support for a Period of Six Years ( 3 Years + 3 Years) at IIMT

Click here to download the Tender document.

Click here to download the corrigendum I.
